DH Live! with Jared McCoy and Mary Traester

 Humanities Center     Nov 29 2016 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM HG1341

Join us for brief project presentations by Jared McCoy (UCI English PhD student) and Mary Traester (Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities) followed by updates and conversation about DH at UCI.

Event hosted by Braxton Soderman (FMS) and Emilee Mathews (UCI Libraries), DH Working Group Co-Chairs

Bio: Jared McCoy is currently an English PhD candidate at the University of California, Irvine. His dissertation, Text Machines, is an inquiry into the theoretical and practical implications of citation-based knowledgebases. Some of his other interests include knowledge infrastructure, digital humanities, eLearning, algorithmic criticism, folksonomy, ergonomics, dictation, text-to-speech (TTS), transhumanism, critical theory, deconstruction, modernism, postmodernism etc.

Presentation: I want to speak about the benefits of the personal knowledgebase with a quick overview of some of the structures and functions that I've been using in Citavi 5 and then considering the limitations and more enhanced forms of tagging that I think will be especially useful in years to come. I just posted a video to my website that gives an overview of the keyword lexicon I use in Citavi. I was thinking that I could focus more on the workflow during the talk

Mary Traester received her PhD in Comparative Literature from USC in 2014. Her dissertation, "Mourning Melancholia: Modernist Poetics and the Refusal of Solace," considered the relationship between melancholic loss and the emergence of individual and civic identity in modernity. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities with Humanities Core at UC Irvine.

Presentation: I will consider how online public(s) can be leveraged to produce public/national identity for disenfranchised--even dehumanized--subjects. I will use a short contemporary (online) film, "The Good Immigrant," and draw on theories of identity production derived from both print and sentimental culture to focus the discussion.