Symposium on Doctoral Research - Latin American Studies

 Latin American Studies     Nov 18 2016 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM HG 1010

Latin American Studies:  Emerging Frames and New Research

Friday, November 18th
HG 1010

Work in Progress by new Ph.Ds and doctoral candidates at UCI

Christina Maria Garcia, Spanish and Portuguese, Doctoral Candidate
Touching Impenetrable Bodies: Material Ecologies in Cuban Literary & Visual Art

Marcos Scauso, Political Sciences, Doctoral Candidate
The Problem of Coexistence: The Potential Implications of Indigenous Voices for International Liberal Order

Pedro Acuña, History, Ph.D. (2016) and UCI Mellon Humanities Faculty Fellow
Dribbling with the Left and Shooting with the Right: Soccer, Sports Media, and Populism in Argentina and Chile, 1940s-1950