"Humanity, NOT" A Talk and Book signing by Dr. Ari Babaknia

 Center for Persian Studies and Culture     Nov 18 2016 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM HG 1010

Please join us on Friday, November 18, 2016 in UC Irvine's Humanities Gateway (HG) 1010 for a talk and book signing by Dr. Ari Babaknia, from Chapman University about his book "Humanity, NOT".

Dr. Babaknia has been a patron of arts and literature for many years. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Persian Heritage Foundation (1987-2007), as well as member of the Board of Directors of Several other Scientific, Charity and Cultural Foundations. His latest contribution in directing a team of researchers on Holocaust studies for the past 20 years, culminated in publication of a 4-volume ground breaking book about the Holocaust and other genocides of the last one hundred years, in Farsi (Wyman, 2012). Dr Babaknia has served as the Chairman of the Institute for the Holocaust Studies in Washington D.C. (2011-2013), as well as the Chairman of the Holocaust Remembrance Day of the Orange County, California Jewish Federation (1993-2013). He has been on a national book tour promoting genocide awareness and prevention. Dr Babaknia is the founder of Memorah Foundation which its main mission is: spreading the truth about the Holocaust in the Middle East.

“Humanity, NOT“, was released in January 2014.“Humanity, NOT” takes an in-depth look, in words and images, at the captured emotions of the victims, perpetrators, bystanders, and survivors of the Holocaust, told in their own words. Reading first-hand horrifying experiences of the victims as well as some thoughts from philosophers and scholars, help us understand that; “Reaction to the Holocaust has to be other than mere horror and revulsion. It has to be more than empathy with the victims, sharing their fear and some part of their actual suffering".

There will be a reception and book signing after the talk.

This event is presented by UC Irvine's Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture.