The Women Directors' Series - Paula Ortiz THE BRIDE (LA NOVIA)

 Spanish and Portuguese     Nov 14 2016 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM HH 156

A FILM FORUM Session in collaboration with Spanish 100A and Spanish 220

This is a presentation of the ongoing The Women Directors' Series.  Paula Ortiz (1979) is a Spanish director, screenwriter, and producer who works for Get in the Pictures Productions and Amapola Films and teaches Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona.  In addition to The Bride and several short films, Paula Ortiz directed the long feature From your Window to Mine  (shown at a previous  Film Forum session at UCI). The Bride has been one of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful Spanish films in Spain this year. It received two Goya awards, four awards of the prestigious Cinema Writers Circle, and other international awards and nominations both in Europe and the American continent.  Filmed in the torrid desert areas of Cappadoccia, Turkey, and Los Monegros, Spain, The Bride is a loose adaptation of Federico García Lorca' universally renowned  work, Blood Wedding.  The film is an impressive aesthetic and technical tour de force that skillfully combines the intensity of classical tragedy with daring audiovisual concepts that enhance and add new insights to García Lorca's powerful statements on fate and individual and communal freedom.  The film will be presented in the O.V. in Spanish, with English subtitles.

Discussion Panel After the Film:
William Carr, Spanish and Portuguese
Karem Delgado, Spanish and Portuguese
Diego Fernández, Spanish and Portuguese
David Fuchs, Spanish and Portuguese
Jeanny Fuentes, Spanish and Portuguese,
Professor Gonzalo Navajas, Spanish and Portuguese

Monday, November 14, 2016
Humanities Hall, Room 156. 7:00 p.m. Admission is free