UCI Tenth Anniversary Conference

 The Center for Early Cultures     Oct 28 2016 - Oct 29 2016 | 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM HG1010

Feeling History: Ten Years of UCI Early Cultures
Early Cultures Conference, UC Irvine, October 28-29, 2016
Friday, Oct. 28-Saturday, Oct. 29
HG 1010

9:30-10:00 Welcome and coffee

10:00-11:30 Science, History, and Periodization
Michael Berlin, Danilo Caputo, and Daniella McCahey
Moderator: Professor Rebecca Helfer, English

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-1:45 Keynote Panel 1
Jesse Weiner, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Hamilton College
Introduction by Professor Zina Giannopoulou, Classics
Jacob McDonie, Associate Professor of English, University of Texas, Rio
Grande Valley
Introduction by Professor Julia Lupton, English
Moderator: Professor Julia Lupton, English

1:45-2:00 Break

2:00-3:30 Keynote Panel 2
Jennifer Rust, Associate Professor of English, Saint Louis University
Introduction by Professor Julia Lupton, English
Donovan Sherman, Assistant Professor of English, Seton Hall University
Introduction by Professor Ian Munro, Drama
Matthew Ancell, Associate Professor of Humanities and Comparative
Literature, Brigham Young University
Introduction by Professor Jane Newman, Comparative Literature
Moderator: Professor Ian Munro, Drama

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-5:15 Historical Perspective on the Page and Stage
Sonia Desai, Letty Garcia, and Laura Hatch
Moderator: Professor Jane Newman, Comparative Literature

7:00 Reception at the Home of Julia Lupton and Ken Reinhard

Saturday, Oct. 29: HG 1010

9:30-10:00 Welcome and coffee

10:00-11:30 Shakespeare, Religion, and the Sense of History
Phillip Aijian, Peter Cibula, and James Funk
Moderator: Professor Rebecca Davis, English

11:45-1:15 Closing Roundtable

Science, History, and Periodization
Michael Berlin, UCI Comparative Literature
Powers of Ekstasis
Danilo Caputo, UCI English
Environmental Melancholia and the Early Modern Pastoral
Daniella McCahey, UCI History
Alexander Dalrymple, James Cook, and Changing Ideas about the Antarctic Circle

Keynote Panel 1
Jesse Weiner, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Hamilton College
Re-membering the Palatine in Lucan's Civil War
Jacob McDonie, Associate Professor of English, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
Performing Ciceronian Friendship

Keynote Panel 2
Jennifer Rust, Associate Professor of English, Saint Louis University
From the Mystical Body to Governmentality in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Donovan Sherman, Assistant Professor of English, Seton Hall University
History's Toothache: Feeling Early Modern Stoicism
Matthew Ancell, Associate Professor of Humanities and Comparative Literature, Brigham
Young University
Antagonisms between History and Theory

Historical Perspective on the Page and Stage
Sonia Desai, UCI Drama
“Let Me Not Play a Woman”: Shakespearean Gender Bending on the Contemporary Stage
Letty Garcia, UCI Drama
Shakespeare 450: A Brief Exploration of Shakespeare in México
Laura Hatch, UCI Comparative Literature
Translating Perspective: Twentieth-Century Art Historical Receptions and Creations of the
“German Renaissance”

Shakespeare, Religion, and the Sense of History
Phillip Aijian, UCI English
Such Terrible Impression: Shakespeare, Sin, and Sense
Peter Cibula, UCI English
Sinful Histories: Remembering the Past in Cymbeline
James Funk, UCI English
“Making High Majesty Look Like Itself”: Acknowledging Authority in Shakespeare and Luther

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