Screening of David Cronenberg's The Brood (1979)

 PARG     Oct 26 2016 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM McCormick Screening Room, 1070 Humanities Gateway

Please join the Psychoanalysis Reading Group (PARG) at UC Irvine for a special Halloween horror movie:

Our screening will begin with an early short, Cronenberg’s Transfer (1966), and will be followed by a brief discussion. An optional (and spoiler-filled!) reading from Cronenberg on Cronenberg is available our website. Please be aware that the film is quite violent and deals with sexual themes. Everyone is welcome, regardless of affiliation or prior involvement.

This event will kick off a year of readings and films curated around the broadly conceived theme of the limits of analysis. For more information about PARG, please visit our website or join our Facebook group.