The New Urban Mapping

 Humanities Center     Oct 7 2016 | 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Humanities Gateway Room 1010

A conference on urban cartography and data visualization sponsored by the Humanities Commons and the Architecture and Urban Studies Research Cluster at the University of California, Irvine

9:30 am:        Coffee

10 am:            Welcome by Edward Dimendberg, Professor of Humanities, UCI

10:30 am:     "The Cinematic Map,"  Annette Kim, Associate Professor of Public Policy,
                        Director of Spatial Analysis Lab, USC

11:30 am:      "The Alchemists Map of Los Angeles," Peter Lunenfeld, Professor of Design Media Arts, UCLA

12:45 pm:      Lunch

2pm:             "The Topics of the Past,"  Philip Ethington, Professor of History and Political Science, USC

3:15:              Panel Discussion with Peter Lunenfeld, Philip Ethington, Sylvia Nam (Assistant Professor of Anthropology,
                        UCI), Rodolf Torres (Professor of Planning, Policy and Design and Political Science, UCI)