DH Live!

 Humanities Center     May 12 2016 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Humanities Commons Lobby, Humanities Gateway 1st Floor

Join us to hear about DH projects from our UCI colleagues Alex Borucki, Racquel Gonzales, and Laura Smart -- and to discuss ideas for DH activities for next year.

Alex Borucki, assistant professor in History, is co-director of the Final Passages project (with Greg O’Malley at UC Santa Cruz), which received an NEH Preservation and Access grant to build a database on the inter-Americas slave trade.  This projects expands on the Voyages trans-Atlantic slave trade database, on which Alex also collaborates.

Racquel Gonzales, PhD candidate in Visual Studies, was selected to participate in the year-long UCLA Meta Data Central project. She talks about her digital project in a blog post “Broadcast History as Metadata” for the UCLA Center for Digital Humanities.

Have you met Laura Smart, the new head of UCI Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Services?

Do you have ideas for a DH Skill-Share for next year, know of other interesting DH projects on campus, or want to organize a DH-related event? We want to hear from you!