"Tupac Amaru Rebellion: An Atlantic Revolution?" with Charles "Chuck" Walker

 History     May 11 2016 | 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM HIB 135

Charles "Chuck" Walker is the MacArthur Foundation Endowed Chair in International Human Rights and professor of Latin American history at the University of California, Davis. He also serves as director of its Hemispheric Institute on the Americas. His latests work, "The Tupac Amaru Rebellion" (2014) examines the largest rebellion in the history of Spain's American empire, led by Latin America's most iconic revolutionary, Tupac Amaru, and his wife. It began in 1780 as a multiclass alliance against European-born usurpers, leaving a legacy that still influences Latin American politics today.

This lecture is co-sponsored by the Latin American Cluster and the Department of History.

Free & open to the public.