Symposium on Contemporary Europe: "The Confrontation with Islamic State and the Far Right"

 European Languages and Studies     May 10 2016 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM HG 1010

The challenges of both terrorist violence and the refugee crisis have brought about a profound shift in the cultural and political landscape of Europe. Boxed in through the need to address simultaneously the terrorist threat, the refugee crisis, and a growing far right movement, moderates in Europe have slid into an increasingly embattled position. At the same time as they are fighting Islamic terrorism, the traditional parties in France and Germany, for instance, must integrate large numbers of Muslims into their societies. If current European policies depend upon a strict distinction between Islamic State violence and Islam itself, critics on the far right, but also increasingly from across the political spectrum, have questioned the compatibility of Islam with contemporary European culture, particularly in terms of gender issues, shared traditions, and the separation of the political from the religious spheres. What are the long-term implications of these conflicts in Europe for the political landscape in individual countries and for the structure of the European Union as a whole?

Daniel Brunstetter, Political Science, UCI
Ian Coller, History, UCI
Marc Crepon, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Kai Evers, European Languages and Studies, UC
Catherine Malabou, Kingston University, London