Crisis of Values - a symposium presented by Culture | Law | Capital Center

The period from the late 60s to the present is stretched between two global economic downturns with no real
recovery, a Long Crisis after the postwar Long Boom. The ascent of finance capital and immaterial labor has invited
dramatic reconsiderations of value itself wherein culture, as supposed motor and paradigm of the new economy,
became a site of political-economic theorization. We ask how different value crises find expression in revolutionary
struggles; in revised ideas of race, language, and desire; and in literary and popular arts. How do value and culture make use of each other when cast adrift in the volatilities of crisis?

9:00: Coffee and Light Breakfast
Student Center, Doheny Beach B

9:45: “Writing Crisis,” with Kim Stanley Robinson
and Juliana Spahr (Mills College),
Student Center, Doheny Beach B

11:15: “Postwar Asia Under Empire,” with Viet Thanh
Nguyen (USC) and Joseph Jeon (Pomona College)
Student Center, Doheny Beach B

2:00: “Literature and Hegemony,” with Jed Esty
(University of Pennsylvania) and Sarah Brouillette
(Carleton College) in HG 3341

3:30: “The Paradox of Financialization and the
Transformation of Politics,” with Robert Brenner
(Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, UCLA)
Student Center, Doheny Beach B

Additional participants include: Joshua Clover (UC, Davis), Evan
Buswell (UC, Davis), Andrew deWard (UCLA), Richard Godden
(UC, Irvine), Lauren Goodlad (UI, Urbana-Champagne),
Eleanor Kaufman (UCLA) Colleen Lye (UC, Berkeley), Annie
McClanahan (UW, Milwaukee), Michael Szalay (UC, Irvine)

Sponsored by UCHRI, UCI Humanities Commons, the Culture | Law | Captial Center, UCI English Department, UCI History Department, UCI Campus Writing Center
