UC Consortium for Black Studies in California - April 28th -- Lecture by James Ford - Young Scholars Lecture Series

 African American Studies     Apr 28 2016 | 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM HG 1341

University of California
Consortium for Black Studies in California
A Multi-Campus Research Program and Initiative
The UC Irvine Campus


The Young Scholar Lecture Series

Thursday, April 28th – 5-7:30 PM
The Humanities Commons Conference Room
Humanities Gateway Room 1341

James Ford
Assistant Professor of English
Occidental College

"The Difficult Miracle:
Reading Phillis Wheatley against the Master's Discourse"
Four poems from Wheatley will be under discussion:
"To the Right Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth"; "On Being Brought from Africa to America";  "Goliath of Gath" ; and "Isaiah ixviii.1-8”

The poems are available online: http://www.bartleby.com/150/
A Program of the UC Consortium for Black Studies in California, at UC Irvine

Light Refreshments will be available at the event.
The Spring Quarter 2016 Consortium Events at UC Irvine
Meet Bi-Weekly April 7th to June 9th in the Humanities Commons Conference Room, Humanities Gateway Room 1341, UC Irvine Campus
For more information contact: blackthought@uci.edu.