When Lit. Profs Walk the Nuclear-Restricted Zone: A Roundtable Discussion

 East Asian Studies     Apr 27 2016 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 469 Humanities Instructional Bldg.

Last September the Tokyo-based Cheon-Mack-Gomibuchi-Ko Research Group travelled to Namie, Okuma, Nihonmatsu and other towns in and around the 20-kilometer exclusion zone of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power plant, speaking with people who have unexpectedly become local archivists and community narrators. One month earlier UCI’s Margherita Long visited Fukushima-shi to visit sites mentioned in the post-disaster testimonies she is studying. Our round-table will begin with a short research report from all five participants and move to a discussion of the ethical, political, and philosophical questions we are posing in our work.

Note: This will take place in Japanese and Korean.

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