Latin American Film Festival

 Latin American Studies     Apr 4 2016 - Apr 21 2016 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM McCormick Screening Room

Blackness and Indigeneity in the Americas: Mejik and Mood (Mexico)

Event organized by graduate students. 

For more information about the film festival, please click here

April 4: 5-7 pm - Mejik and Mood (Mexico)
April 6: 4-6 pm - Raices de mi corazon (Cuba)
April 7: 5-7 pm - Presentation by Julio Ramos
April 8: 2-5 pm - Seminar with Julio Ramos
April 11: 5-7 pm - Sara Gomez & Nicolas Guillen Landrian (Shorts)
April 14: 5-7 pm - El abrazo de la serpiente (Colombia)
April 15: 5-7 pm - Diana Montero (Shorts)
April 18: 5-7 pm - Mestizo (Venezuela)
April 20: 5-7 pm - Adios Momo (Uruguay)
April 21: 5-7 pm - Moving Across the Diaspora: Black Visual Storytelling

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