Distinguished Visiting Lecturer Series: Detroit´s Rivera: arte, cine y trabajo en los murales fordistas de Diego Rivera by Julio Ramos

 Spanish and Portuguese     Apr 7 2016 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM HG 1010

A Public Lecture in Spanish by

UC Berkeley Emeritus

Julio Ramos (Ph.D. Princeton University) is the author of several books on Latin American literature and culture. Among them Desencuentros de la modernidad en América Latina: literatura y política en el S. XIX, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1989. This seminal book has been translated to English (Duke University Press, 2001) and Portuguese (Belo Horizonte, 2008). It was also published in subsequent editions (Fondo de Cultura 2004, Cuarto Propio, Chile, 2002, and in El Perro y la Rana, Venezuela 2009). His more recent publications include Sujeto al límite: ensayos de cultura literaria y visual (2012) and Ensayos próximos (2013), the essays "Descarga acústica" (2010), "Disonancia Afrocubana: Cage y las Rítmicas V y VI de Amadeo Roldán" (2015), and several articles about film. His documentary work includes research, writing and co-direction of Retornar a La Habana con Guillén Landrián (2014, 38 minutes, available on vimeo). His documentary Detroit´s Rivera: The Labors of Public Art (38 min.) is close to completion. Professor Ramos teaches regularly in the areas of Literature and History at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Quito, Ecuador.

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