"A Conversation About Conceptualism"

 Poetics, History, Theory at UCI     Mar 11 2016 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM HIB 135

Poetics|history|Theory@uci is pleased to present 

"A Conversation About Conceptualism" with 

Craig Dworkin (University of Utah) and Marjorie Perloff (Stanford University)

There has been much recent debate about the definition and consequences of conceptual poetics, but what does "conceptual poetics" mean?  Dworkin and Perloff, two foundational thinkers about. in, and of conceptualism will discuss conceptual practices in relation to spheres beyond The Poetry World. Perloff will talk about two poles of conceptual practice in the art world — Sophie Calle and Christian Marclay. Dworkin will talk about the changed relationship of conceptual practice over the last 15 years in relation to networked digital media (web 1.0 to social media).

Craig Dworkin is the author of two scholarly monographs, Reading the Illegible (Northwestern UP, 2003) and No Medium (MIT, 2013), and five edited collections, including The Consequence of Innovation: 21st-Century Poetics (Roof, 2008); The Sound of Poetry/ The Poetry of Sound, with Marjorie Perloff (Chicago, 2009); and Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing, with Kenneth Goldsmith (Northwestern, 2011). He teaches literature and theory at the University of Utah and serves as Founding Senior Editor to Eclipse <eclipsearchive.org>.

Marjorie Perloff is Sadie D. Patek Professor of Humanities Emerita at Stanford University. She is also Florence Scott Professor Emerita of English at the University of Southern California.  She is the author of many books on 20th and 21st century Poetry and Poetics, including, Frank O’Hara: Poet among Painters (1977), The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage (1981), The Futurist Moment: Avant-Garde, Avant-Guerre, and the Language of Rupture (1986, new edition, 1994), Wittgenstein’s Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary (1996), 21st Century Modernism (2002), Unoriginal Genius: Writing by Other Means in the New Century (2011), and Poetics in a New Key (2014), a collection of interviews and essays.  Her most recent book (April 2016) is Edge of Irony: Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire, which enlarges on the theme of her 2004 memoir The Vienna Paradox.