Book Seminar -- a discussion with Professor Kristin Peterson and guests - Rising Scholars Book Seminar Series

 Humanities Center     Feb 24 2016 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

The UC Consortium for Black Studies in California, A Multi-Campus Research Program's Rising Scholars Book Seminar Series presents:

Kristin Peterson, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at UC Irvine, and author of Speculative Markets: Drug Circuits and Derivative Life in Nigeria (Duke University Press, 2014).


  • Cori Hayden (Anthropology, UC Berkeley)
  • G. Ugo Nwokeji (African American and African Diaspora Studies, UC Berkeley)
An Event of the UC Irvine, Workshop in Science, Technology, and Race (STAR), a Consortium Program

This event is sponsored by the UC Consortium for Black Studies in California, A Multi-Campus Research Program.