What Cannot Be Said: Freedom of Expression in a Changing World

 Humanities Center     Jan 22 2016 | 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM UCI School of Law, EDU 111

Timed to coincide closely with the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, “What cannot be said: FREEDOM of expression in a changing world” will look at the changing parameters of expression as the horizons of freedom shift under the pressures of technology, social media, and repressive states. Keynoted by Rebecca MacKinnon, Internet freedom advocate and activist, and featuring a live conversation with Edward Snowden in Moscow as well as participation of prominent policy thought leaders, legal analysts, writers, political cartoonists, stand-up comics, musicians, artists, journalists and more, this three-day conference will take place across the UC Irvine and USC campuses.

For program and details, please visit the conference website.