"So you want to write fiction," noir novelists Adam Brookes and Lisa Brackman in conversation with Miles Corwin

 Humanities Center     Nov 19 2015 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM HG 1341

If you've ever thought of writing a novel (or just wondered how careers in fiction get started), come hear two visiting authors discuss the topic with UCI's own literary journalism professor and crime writer Miles Corwin.  The visiting speakers are Adam Brookes, who moved from covering the world for the BBC to writing acclaimed spy novels set in China (Night Heron, Spy Games) and will be on campus as part of the Illuminations program; and Lisa Brackmann, who has worked in many fields including film and music and has written a successful China-set series of mysteries (Rock, Paper, Tiger; Hour of the Rat, Dragon Day).

This event is sponsored by the Forum for the Academy and the Public and the Humanities Commons, with additional support from the Working Group for Rhetoric, Literacy, and Democracy and the Institute for International, Global and Regional Studies (IGARS).

Lunch provided.