Prestige, history and affect | Western Humanities Alliance 2015 at UCI

 Humanities Center     Nov 6 2015 | 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

8:30–9:30 | Executive meeting of the Western Humanities Alliance in HG 1341

Conference Program, all sessions in Humanities Gateway 1030

9:45 Introductory Remarks:
Catherine Liu, President, Western Humanities Alliance

10 – 12 noon
Michael Newman “Quality TV as Liberal TV”
Elana Levine The Striving Soap Opera”
Respondent: Allison Perlman

12- 1: 30 pm Lunch

1:30 – 2:45
Elaine Lewinnek “From Ferguson to Irvine: Why Suburban Diversity Matters”
Respondent: Andrew Highsmith

2:45 – 3:15 Coffee

3:15 – 4:15 Graduate Student Roundtable: Markets, Taste, Prestige
Anna Kryzcka (Visual Studies) “Making Taste in the Kennedy White House”
Michael Mahoney (English) “Gimme Gimme Schlock Treatment: Rock Music and the Embarrassment of Prestige in Contemporary U.S. Fiction”
Meredith Goldsmith (Visual Studies) “Andrea Fraser and Fred Wilson: 1990s Corporate and Multicultural Forms of Prestige”
MacKenzie Anne Weeks (English) “MacArthurs and Millionaires, Managed: Power by Proxy and Panoptic Prestige”

4: 30 Keynote
James English “Literary Prestige as Data”
Respondent: Michael Szalay

6:00 Closing Remarks