Black Lives Matter Writing Contest

Submission Guidelines

Eligible participants: any UCI undergraduate student

Submission deadline:  November 24, 2015, 5:00 p.m.

Genre: any form of written word such as essay, personal narrative, poem, prose poem, short story, flash fiction, literary journalism (can be but is not required to be multi-modal)

Length: 1 to 15 pages

Required manuscript format:  typed, 11 or 12 pt. font, double-spaced, printed on both sides, no name on manuscript, title

Required cover sheet: name, contact information, title

Submission location: Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication, ASL 193

Note: place manuscript (paper-clipped not stapled) and cover sheet in a manila envelope, and label the envelope “writing contest”

The top three submissions will be awarded!

Judging Criteria

Engagement: Writers should convey the sense that they have put deep thought into the topic and understand its nuances, importance and urgency.

Creativity:  Regardless of genre, writers should do original work.

Polish:  Writers should carefully revise and proofread their work before submitting it.

Audience Awareness:  While writers should feel free to discuss subject matter of their choice and make strong assertions, they should also demonstrate that they have considered the effects of their words on the UCI community in particular and a wider audience as well.  Put another way, writers should imagine their work published in a UCI-sponsored student outlet.        

Note: Writers are invited to make an appointment with a Writing Specialist to discuss their work.