Professor Jo Labanyi - "The Social Life of Emotions"

 Spanish and Portuguese     Oct 13 2015 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1010

Jo Labanyi is Professor of Spanish at New York University, where she directs the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center. A founding editor of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, she edits the series Remapping Cultural History. Her most recent books are Spanish Literature: A Very Short Introduction (2010) and the coedited volumes Europe and Love in Cinema (2012) and Engaging the Emotions in Hispanic Culture and History (2015). She is a participant in the research project Los medios audiovisuales en la transición española (1975–1985): Las imágenes del cambio democrático, directed by Manuel Palacio at the Universidad Carlos III, Madrid. Her research interests include modern Spanish literature, film, photography, popular culture, gender, and memory studies. She was elected Fellow of the British Academy in 2005.

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