Public debate on doctor-assisted suicide

 Office of the Dean     Sep 3 2015 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Crystal Cove Auditorium, UCI Student Center

Join us for a panel discussion featuring Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of UCI School of Law & Distinguished Professor; and Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, psychiatry & human behavior associate clinical professor. The panel will be moderated by Douglas Haynes, director of the UCI Medical Humanities Initiative & professor of history.

The issue of physician assisted suicide, or what proponents prefer to call physician aid in dying, is back in the forefront of public policy debates in California. Although California Senate Bill 128, a legislative proposal to legalize this practice for terminally ill patients, was recently pulled from a vote in the Assembly Health Committee, there remain pending court cases on this issue in California, and proponents are prepared to introduce a statewide ballot initiative to legalize assisted suicide.

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