Dancing Across Media in the Medieval and Early Modern Court: Picture, Poem, Performance

 The Center for Early Cultures     May 29 2015 | 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

Dancing Acros the MediaTalks at 12:00 noon
“Faint Footwork: Reenacting Dance and Poetic Form in the Medieval Basse danse”
Seeta Chaganti
Associate Professor of English
UC Davis

"The Poetics of Persona: Dance and Character in 17th-Century Ballet"
Ellen Welch
Associate Profesor of Romance Languages and Literature,
University of North Carolina

2:00 pm: Performance/demonstration of Renaissance Dance
curated by Mary Corey, Professor of Dance, UCI

Seeta Chaganti is an associate professor of English at the University of California, Davis. Her first book, The Medieval Poetics of the Reliquary, was published in 2008. She is currently completing a second book, tentatively entitled "Reenacting Form: Poetry and Dance in Late-Medieval England."

Ellen Welch is an Associate Professor of French & Francophone Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and author of A Taste for the Foreign: Worldly Knowledge and Literary Pleasure in Early Modern French Fiction (2011). Since 2011, she has been working on early modern theater and performance studies and is completing a book tentatively titled "A Theater of Diplomacy: International Relations and the Performing Arts in Early Modern France."

Mary Corey is Professor of Dance (Dance Notation and Reconstruction, Dance History, Modern Dance) at UCI. is a Certified Professional Labanotator. She began her work in this area as a staff notator, reconstructor, and teacher at the Dance Notation Bureau in New York City.   Prof. Corey has notated works by George Balanchine (Allegro Brillante and The Four Temperaments), Martha Graham (Panorama), José Limón (The Unsung), Donald McKayle (Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder and Angelitos Negros), Jerome Robbins (Dances at a Gathering, co-notated with Sandra Aberkalns), Joyce Trisler (Journey), Jean Erdman (Passage), Isadora Duncan, Clay Taliaferro, Beverly Blossom, and others.

Co-sponsored by Poetics | History | Theory.

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