HOT: Humanities Out There Open House

 Humanities Center     May 26 2015 | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM 1st floor lobby, Humanities Gateway

Tuesday, May 26
4:00 PM
1st floor lobby, Humanities Gateway

Come learn more about internship opportunities for Fall/ Winter 2015 or Spring 2016 through the Kidseum at the Bowers Museum! HOT tutors can earn up to 2 credits per quarter through afterschool tutoring for K-8 students.

Humanities Out There was founded in 1997 to promote service learning and public engagement for humanities graduate and undergraduate students. Kidseum offers a free after school program for low-income Santa Ana student’s grades k-8. This unique program utilizes the museum’s permanent collections, traveling exhibitions and curriculum to engage students’ imaginations and provide fun hands-on learning activities that build core academic skills. Each day the children receive homework assistance for one hour from staff and interns. This is extremely valuable because many of the students’ parents do not speak English and therefore have a difficult time assisting with their children’s homework. After homework time, they spend an hour on an art project. Students go to the Bowers Museum twice a month for a docent tour of an exhibition. Guest instructors visit once a week to lead a project or educational activity with students.

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