Tomás Straka: From the "War of Colors" to Bolivarian Socialism: the idea of democracy in Venezuela

 Latin American Studies     Mar 6 2015 | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM HG 1002

Egalitarianism has been one of the most important ideals throughout the history of Venezuela. This started in the context of the momentous racial and social conflicts of the late-colonial era, over 200 years ago. Egalitarianism has manifested in multiple ways. The so-called "War of Col- ors" (Guerra de los Colores) during the times of independ- ence produced important challenges to the new republic. In response, the idea of "democracy" as "equality" material- ized. While this idea has changed over the years, it is pos- sible to identify it even today in the political values and dis- courses in Venezuela.

Tomas Straka is Professor of History at University Andrés Bello, Caracas, Venezuela. He is the author of multiple pub- lications, such as La voz de los vencidos, ideas del partido realista de Caracas (1810–1821), Hechos y gente, Historia contemporánea de Venezuela (Textbook about Venezuelan contemporary history), and Las Independencias de Iberoa- mérica (coedited with Agustín Sánchez Andrés and Michael Zeuske).

*The talk will be conducted in Spanish.

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