Biosecurities: Cary Wolfe, "(Auto)Immunity, Control, and Social Theory" and Gregg Lambert, "On the Old Refrain: 'No More Nukes!'"

 Comparative Literature     Feb 5 2015 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM HIB 135

A UCI inter-School collaborative event on Biosecurities organized and sponsored by the the School of Social Sciences' Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies and the School of Humanities' Department of Comparative Literatures with talks by Cary Wolfe and Gregg Lambert.

Cary Wolfe is founding editor of the series Posthumanities at the University of Minnesota Press, which publishes six books per year by noted authors such as Donna Haraway, Roberto Esposito, Isabelle Stengers, Michel Serres, Vilem Flusser, and many others. He holds the Bruce and Elizabeth Dunlevie Chair in English at Rice University, where he is also founding director of 3CT: The Center for Critical and Cultural Theory.

Gregg Lambert is Dean¹s Professor of Humanities at Syracuse University, New York, where he also served as Founding Director of The SU Humanities Center between 2008 and 2014. He was also a co-founder of the Perpetual Peace Project, an international academic-curatorial initiative partnered with Slought (Philadelphia, PA), the United Nations University, The International Peace Institute, and Utrecht University (the Netherlands).