Jacques Rancière, "Fictions of Time"

 Humanities Center     Jan 14 2015 | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM 1030 Humanities Gateway

Jacques RanciereJacques Rancière is one of the foremost French intellectuals alive today. A student of Athusser who eventually broke with his teacher, Rancière contributed to the seminal volume Reading Capital (1965). He went on to write The Philosopher and His Poor (1983), The Ignorant School Master (1987), The Names of History: On the Poetics of Knowledge (1994), The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible (2004), and The Emancipated Spectator (2010). His work has been a stimulus to new thought for a range of humanists and artists, including scholars of drama and culture, visual artists and filmmakers, and political theorists, sociologists, and anthropologists. This visit is a joint venture between UCI and UCLA. Professor Rancière will speak at UCI on Wednesday, January 14 and then at UCLA on Friday, January 16 (conference on Erich Auerbach). For information, please contact Julia Lupton, jrlupton@uci.edu.

Reception in HG1010 to follow.

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