Eileen Reeves on Galileo

 The Center for Early Cultures     Nov 20 2014 - Nov 21 2014 | 5:00 PM - 4:00 PM HG 1030 (lecture) HIB 137 (seminar)

Part of UC-HRI Seminar on Phenomenality, Poesis, and the Creature

Public lecture plus seminar

Eileen Reeves
Comparative Literature and History of Science, Princeton University

Lecture: “Galileo Goes to the Junk Shop”, Thursday, November 20, 5:00 pm in HG1030

Seminar: “Strange Impressions: Printing the Early Modern Sunspot” (Friday, Nov. 21 at 12:00, HIB 137)

Contact information: Renee Raphael, Department of History (rjraphae@uci.edu) and Jane O. Newman, ELS, (jonewman@uci.edu)