Mohammed Wattad (Zefat College/UC Irvine): "One Man’s Dream is Another Man’s Nightmare: The Inevitability of the Two States Solution"

 Jewish Studies     Nov 10 2014 | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

Mohammed Wattad (Zefat College/UC Irvine)

One Man’s Dream is Another Man’s Nightmare: The Inevitability of the Two States Solution

Monday, November 10, 2014 at 5pm
Humanities Gateway 1030

Palestinian thinking about a two-state solution has shifted over time. What in 1948 was considered a nightmare is now viewed as a golden dream. Despite this change, a number of factors have made serious discussion about a two-state solution impossible. These include geopolitics among Palestinians and in the Middle East, and particularly the Arab Spring; the socio-economic environment in Europe; and the U.S.’s modified and mitigated political role vis-à-vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Dr. Mohammed Wattad will explore the impact these issues are having on delaying the inevitability of a two-state solution to resolving this century-old conflict.

Mohammed Wattad, assistant professor in the Law School of Zefat College, Israel, is a legal scholar specializing in international and comparative criminal law, comparative constitutional law, international law and legal issues surrounding war, torture and terrorism. He is teaching courses in UC Irvine’s Department of Political Science and in the School of Law as the 2014-2015 Schusterman Visiting Israeli Professor, funded through a partnership of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, UC Irvine and the Rose Project of Jewish Federation & Family Services.