OCT 16: China Town Hall, A Two-Part Series

 Literary Journalism     Oct 16 2014 | 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

October 16: China Town Hall, A Two-Part Event
Humanities Gateway G 1030
4-6:30 PM

Featuring a speech (via webcast) by former President Jimmy Carter, followed by a discussion with Los Angeles Times reporter David Pierson.

This two-part event, which is part of the China Town Hall program put on each year by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, will begin with 4-5pm live national webcast of a speech by President Carter, after which a local follow up event will be held, in which UCI's Jeffrey Wasserstrom has a conversation on current Chinese events with David Pierson of the Los Angeles Times, who has long experience living in and reporting on China. This event is open to the public and questions from the floor will be welcome during the second part of the event, which will run from 5-6:30. For more details on the national program, see the NCUSCR's website: http://www.ncuscr.org/cth

Sponsored by the Forum for the Academy and the Public, co-sponsored by UCI's Center for Asian Studies