Queer Media | Queer Approximations

 Gender and Sexuality Studies     May 9 2014 | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1030


FRIDAY, MAY 9th, 1-2PM, HG 1030
Professor Andreana Clay
KEYNOTE ADDRESS "Death Made Visible: On Queer Representation, Loss and Community"

Andreana Clay is Associate Professor, Departments of Sociology of Sociology and Sexuality Studies and Research Faculty at the Center for Research and Education on Gender + Sexuality at San Francisco State University and author of The Hip-Hop Generation Fights Back: Youth Activism and Post-Civil Rights Politics (NYU Press, 2012) that explores how youth of color organize and identify as activists in the post-civil rights era. Her articles on hip-hop culture, queer sexuality, popular cultures, and hip-hop feminism have appeared in several anthologies and academic journals, including Home Girls Make Some Noise!: A Hip-Hop Feminist Anthology, the Journal of Popular Music Studies, and Meridians: A Journal of Race, Feminism, and Transnationalism. She also maintains a blog called QueerBlackFeminist at queerblackfeminist.blogspot.com.

This event is part of a day-long workshop, including public presentations from participants in The Research Cluster in QUEER MEDIA | QUEER APPROXIMATIONS, including Karen Tongson (USC), Jennifer Doyle (UCR), and Ray San Diego (UCI) and respondents Tom Boellstorff (UCI), Judith Rodriquez (UCI), Jonathan Alexander (UCI) and Jeanne Scheper (UCI).

9.30am - 4:30 pm | HG 1030

There will be a public screening of "Queered," at 3:30 by Jacqueline Rhodes (CSU-San Bernadino) and Jonathan Alexander (UCI)

Please RSVP to IVETA CRUSE by MAY 7: icruse@uci.edu

Sponsored by the UCI Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies with a grant from the School of Humanities Office of the Dean.

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