Edible Education at UCI: A Dialogue about Food Studies, Research, and Practice

Confucius once said that food represents a fundamental human desire. More than two thousand years later, we have started to realize the central importance of food in every aspect of life and society. This conference brings UCI faculty, staff, and students in different
disciplines to share their work and perspectives and to investigate opportunities for collaborative interdisciplinary food research on campus. At the same time, we are also fortunate to have food practitioners and commentators to join and enrich the conversation
about how to understand and deal with challenges that we face in our food systems and society today.

For more information and for conference registration, please visit: http://sites.uci.edu/edibleeducation

9:00 - 9:15 AM WELCOME - Yong Chen and Nasrin Rahimieh
Activity Annex [AA] - Anteater Recreation Center (ARC)

9:15 - 10:00 AM KEYNOTE
“Boundaries and Bridges: Food and the Making of Community,” -
Hasia Diner, New York University

10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Identity and Taste
Activity Annex [AA] - Anteater Recreation Center (ARC)

This panel explores race, identity, and taste in our globalizing world. It also looks at the intersection between culture and food in different ethnic traditions by looking at case studies of ethnic communities and their culinary tradition, such as Mexican, Persian and Chinese food.
Moderator: Glenn Levine (German, UCI)
Panelists: Leo Chavez (Anthropology, UCI), Yong Chen (History, UCI), Nasrin Rahimieh (Comparative Literature, UCI), Steven Topik (History, UCI), Heidi Tinsman (History, UCI).

12:00 - 1:30 PM LUNCH (the Pool Deck, Patio, and BBQ area by the swimming pool
// Poster sessions for students (ARC)

1:30 - 2:15 PM KEYNOTE
“Title TBA” - Navina Khanna, Live Real
Activity Annex [AA] - Anteater Recreation Center (ARC)

2:20 - 4:05 PM From Desert to Oasis
Activity Annex [AA] - Anteater Recreation Center (ARC)
It examines food justice issues in a domestic urban context. Here, we will explore issues of unequal access to food and its implication on health, as well as present new models for using food and agricultural as a source of community empowerment. Food systems (including production, distribution, and access) will be the focus of discussions.
Moderator: Juliet Norton (Informatics, UCI)
Panelists: Bill Tomlinson (Informatics, UCI); Tim Bradley (Biological sciences, UCI);
Lara Montagne (The Grain Project), and Ken Chew (PP&D, UCI).

4:15 - 6:00 PM Food for Thought
Activity Annex [AA] - Anteater Recreation Center (ARC)
This panel looks at the use of food in the classroom and the media. It highlights academic work on shaping food studies programs as well as the use of food and agriculture in other classroom settings (such as K-12). It would also discuss how food is used as a tool of communication in the media to discuss larger themes.
Moderator: Victor Becerra (Social Ecology, UCI)
Panelists: Peter Bowler (Biology, UCI), Anne Marie Panoringan (OC Weekly), Zuzana Bic (Public Health, UCI), Glenn Levine (German, UCI), Allen Lin (“Chubby Panda”)

6:00 PM Reception

This conference was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Samuel Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture, the Graduate Division, the Division of Undergraduate Studies, the ARC, UCI Hospitality & Dining, and the GSRC.