Ethnography in the Humanities

 Gender and Sexuality Studies     May 1 2014 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1010

Featured Panelists: Professor Lilith Mahmud, UCI Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Professor Gabriele Schwab, UCI Department of Comparative Literature, Professor Julia Lupton, UCI Department of English, Professor Carol Burke, UCI Department of English and Director of Humanities Core Course Program

This panel will explore how humanistic inquiry is both expanded and challenged by ethnography and field work. What can we learn by studying knowledge production in situated contexts, shaped by the flux and flow of human behavior?
How does our understanding of the humanities broadly shift as we consider our traditional objects of study in the live contexts of human interaction and meaning making?

Please RSVP at by April 29, 2014. Light refreshments will be served.

The event is sponsored by the UCI Office of the Campus Writing Coordinator.