"Why Silicon Valley is NOT the Right Model for India’s Tech Sector: Ethics, Politics, and Development" - A Conversation with Romi Mahajan

 Office of the Dean     Apr 22 2014 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1010

The Center for Asian Studies

Invites you to a Conversation with Romi Mahajan

“Why Silicon Valley is NOT the Right Model for India’s Tech Sector:
Ethics, Politics, and Development"

Tuesday, April 22nd
Humanities Gateway 1010

While Silicon Valley is hailed as the progenitor of innovation and an archetype of private sector success, few in the mainstream note the twin facts that the the “success” of the Valley is based largely on public subsidy and that this very success has created an iniquitous social order.
If India’s technology sector is to live up to its proclamations about helping society at large, it must veer from the Valley model—and soon.

Romi Mahajan is the President of the KKM Group, an advisory firm focused on strategy and marketing. Mahajan has extensive experience in marketing, IT, strategic thinking. Prior to founding KKM Group, Mahajan worked at Microsoft and Ascentium. Mahajan is the author of two books on marketing and is an active commentator on ethics and politics in global marketing and IT. Mahajan studied at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Texas at Austin. He currently lives in Bellevue, WA, with his wife and two kids.

Cosponsored by Intel Science and Technology Center for Social Computing