"The Liberation Movement of Armenia in the First Half of 18th Century: Rebellions in Syunik and Karabagh (Artsakh)" with Roman Smbatyan

 Office of the Dean     Apr 17 2014 | 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

The Vahe & Armine Meghrouni Lecture Series in Armenian Studies


“The Liberation Movement of Armenia in the First Half of 18th Century: Rebellions in
Syunik and Karabagh (Artsakh)”


Roman Smbatyan
Visiting Lecturer of Modern Armenian History, UC Irvine

Thursday, April 17
Reception - 6:30 pm
Lecture - 7:00 pm
Humanities Gateway 1030

Event is free and open to the public

Email Marc Kanda at mhkanda@uci.edu for more information.

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