Comparative Literature Graduate Conference "Attachment"

 Critical Theory Emphasis     Mar 14 2014 | 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

Under the theme "Attachment", this year's Comparative Literature Graduate Conference will take place Friday March 14 and Saturday March 15. The call, format, schedule, and readings can be found on our website: The conference schedule is also attached.
Rather than traditional panels of a series of papers, the conference is organized around sets of mini-seminars formed by people who applied as groups, or by individual applicants paired with CL and C&T grads. Panels were asked to distribute up to 30 pages of readings, linked on our website. Each panel will give about a ten minute introduction, and the rest of the time will be dedicated to discussion with everyone in attendance. We hope the format will be generative.

Anne-Lise Francois, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at UC Berkeley and author of Open Secrets: The Literature of Uncounted Experience is giving the keynote seminar--on metaphors of binding and unbinding as they traverse economic, ethical-religious, and psychoanalytical discourses--on Saturday at 3pm, reading for which are also available on the conference website.
Friday we will be having a reception at the fire pits on Corona Del Mar (big beach, not little beach--the one adjancent to balboa). Saturday night's dinner reception will be at Gaby Schwab's house, following Anne-Lise Francois's mini-seminar.

We hope to see you there.

Kirsty Singer, Chris Malcolm, Parisa Vaziri
Conference organizers / Graduate students in Comparative Literature