You Are What You Eat": Appetite, Consumption and Identity in Antiquity

 European Languages and Studies     Mar 7 2014 - Mar 8 2014 | 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM Humanities Gateway

UCI Department of Classics Graduate Student Conference 2014

with the generous support of the Humanities Collective along with the assistance of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae and the departments of Drama, European Languages and Studies, History, and Philosophy

Conference Website


Friday, March 7th, Humanities Gateway

6:00pm - Reception, Humanities Gateway 1010

6:30pm - Keynote Address, Dr. Adam Rabinowitz, UT-Austin, "Drinking Greek, Thinking Local: Wine Consumption and Social Identities in the Greek West", Humanities Gateway 1030

Saturday, March 8th, Humanities Gateway 1030

9:00-10:15am - Panel 1

- Brittany Lauber, Ohio State University, "Food, Religion, and Identity in the Letter of Aristeas"

- Dale Parker, UCLA, "'A Nation of Philosophers': How Hellenistic Jews Framed Kashrut-Martyrdom as an Imitation of Socrates"

- Abbe Walker, Bryn Mawr College, "Vita ieiunium: Jerome and Female Ascetic Fasting"

10:30-11:45am - Panel 2

- Nicholas Granitz, Indiana University, "Constructing Spartan Identity to Hungry Readers: The 'Healthy' Spartan Diet and Spartan Superiority"

- Matthew Hunter, Florida State University, "The Misrepresentation of Meat Consumption in Caesar's Gallic War"

- Kilian Mallon, Stanford University, "The Roman Consumption of Nocturnal Light"

1:00-2:15pm - Panel 3

- Lily Kelting, UC San Diego, "Food Imagery as Metaphor for Identity Formation in Aristophanes' Ekklesiazusae"

- Edward Nolan, Vanderbilt University, "Subversive Food: Gender and Encratism in Plautus' Casina"

- Jeffrey Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania, "Consumer or Consumed: A Study of Lucius the Ass in Apuleius' Metamorphoses"

2:15pm - Closing Address, Dr. Zina Giannopoulou, UC Irvine