'The Sign of the Lesbian (in an Age of Queerness)' - A talk by Prof. Valerie Traub

 Gender and Sexuality Studies     Feb 25 2014 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM HIB 135

'The Sign of the Lesbian (in an Age of Queerness)'
A talk by Prof. Valerie Traub from the University of Michigan

"Why might those of us who research, teach, and think about sexuality and queerness want or need a history of lesbianism? What would such a history do for us? My inquiry into this question takes the form of a meditation on the knowledge relations that currently obtain among “lesbian,” “queer,” “history,” and “theory.” Addressing the increasing distance within queer studies between “history” and “theory,” I examine the critical work that “the sign of the lesbian” might perform, were “she” to be conceived not as a sign of identity, but as a sign of a historiographic problem for queers." (from Prof. Traub's upcoming book, 'Making Sexual Knowledge: Thinking Sex with the Early Moderns').

Sponsored by the Department of Sexuality and Gender Studies, the Department of English, and the Group for the Study of Early Cultures.

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