Nixon Library Tour

 History     Feb 15 2014 | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Richard Nixon Presidential Library, Yorba Linda

The History Undergraduate Program is hosting a trip to the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Saturday, February 15th at 10am. In addition to exhibiting archival materials and video of the Nixon presidency, the Museum’s features include a replica of the East Room of the White House, Nixon’s birth place, and helicopter. Also, the Museum is currently displaying a special exhibit on Photojournalism and the Presidency ( ).

Our very own History Professor Allison Perlman will be joining us to provide walking commentary during the course of the tour.

All UCI students are welcome. We are currently working on organizing carpools to the Museum. If you are interested in attending, please email me, Arielle Hinojosa ( , by Friday, February 7th. Please note in your email whether you will be arriving on your own, would be willing to provide transportation to other students, and/or if you require transportation.

Hope to see you there!

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