In a spectacular show, one-woman-performer Bridge Markland from Berlin conjures Goethe’s “Faust” with hand puppets and pop music out of the box. Performing high-speed changes between Mephistopheles, Faust and Margaret while using hand puppets as her opponents, Bridge Markland acts with intense physicality and lip-syncs to compelling music and the brilliant sound collage of the voices of the various protagonists. The piece carries audiences to laughter and to tears as the storyline unfolds before them with humor, emotion, much grotesqueness, and great sensibility. Performances have delighted and been praised by audiences in San Francisco, Boston, Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis,
Oregon, Michigan, Kentucky, Vermont, New Brunswick/Canada, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Berlin, Edinburgh and other places.

Co-Sponsored by: Pomona College German & Russian Departments, the UCI German Program, and The European Union Center of California

For ticket reservations, please contact:

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