Nahal Naficy "Of Cats and Plants in Iran: Ethnography, the Ordinary, and the Ethics and Poetics of Evasion"

 Center for Persian Studies and Culture     Feb 5 2014 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1341

Nahal Naficy studied English Literature in Tehran and Cultural Anthropology in Texas. Rice Anthropology Department, where she received her Ph.D. from in 2007, had a reputation for fostering cross-disciplinary conversations and intellectual discussions and experiments concerning both ethnographic fieldwork and writing. Her dissertation, "Persian Miniature Writing: An Ethnography of Iranian Organizations in Washington DC" was the culmination of her experiments with combining her anthropological training and literary sensibilities. Upon the completion of her Ph.D., she was nominated for a fellowship at the Harvard Society of Junior Fellows and part of her dissertation was published in "Fieldwork Is Not What It Used to Be" (Cornell University Press, 2009). She also presented a number of papers on her use of Persian Miniatures in conferences across the US and wrote a piece on the topic for the journal of the Museum der Weltkulturen in Frankfurt. In 2008, she returned to Iran after nearly a decade and has been teaching courses on the Anthropology of Science and Technology, Anthropology of America, and Art and Social Theory among others in universities across Tehran.

***Event is cosponsored by UCI Center for Ethnography and the Department of Anthropology
***Event is free and open to the public.

***A light lunch will be served, so please RSVP to Sylvia Lotito,