Mark Rose, "Two Authors in Court: Alexander Pope and J.D. Salinger"

 English     Jan 17 2014 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Law School, TBA

UCI's Center in Law, Society and Culture*; the Department of Criminology,
Law and Society; the School of Law; the Department of English and the UCI
Humanities Collective are pleased to present:

"Two Authors in Court: Alexander Pope and J.D. Salinger"

A Lecture by MARK ROSE
Friday January 17th 3 PM - UCI School of Law EDU 1131

In Pope v. Curll (1741) and Salinger v. Random House (1987) Alexander Pope
and J.D. Salinger each employed copyright law for purposes as much related
to privacy as to commerce. In this talk, Mark Rose, noted as a historian
of copyright and frequent expert witness in Hollywood infringement cases,
as well as a Shakespearean and literary scholar, will suggest some of the
revealing parallels between the Pope and Salinger lawsuits.

Mark Rose is Professor Emeritus at UC Santa Barbara, and former director
of the UC Humanities Research Institute at Irvine. He is currently
completing Authors in Court, a study of six exemplary copyright cases
involving authors as plaintiffs, to be published by Harvard University

Free and open to the public. Reception to Follow - Please RSVP Nix by Jan 15th