The Animal in Translation

 Comparative Literature     Dec 6 2013 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM HG 1002

Professor Jacques Lezra from NYU will be giving a talk titled "The Animal in Translation"

Jacques Lezra is Professor of Spanish, English, and Comparative Literature at New York University, and Chair of the Department of Comparative Literature. His most recent book is *Wild Materialism: The Ethic of Terror and the Modern Republic *(Fordham, 2010; Spanish translation, Spring 2012; the Chinese translation has just appeared, from Peking University Press). A book on Cervantes, *Economía Política del Alma: El suceso cervantino*, collecting articles and unpublished essays, as well as the Cervantes chapters from his first book, *Unspeakable Subjects: The Genealogy of the Event in Early Modern Europe*, is forthcoming in Spanish; his *Principles of Insufficient Reason: Translation and Mediation after Marx *is forthoming from Fordham University Press. Lezra has published articles on Shakespeare’s *Measure for Measure*, contemporary and early modern translation theories and practices, Freud, Althusser, Woolf, and other topics. He is the co-translator into Spanish of Paul de Man’s *Blindness Insight.* With Emily Apter and Michael Wood, he is the co-editor of the translation into English of the *Vocabulaire européen des philosophies *(Seuil 2004; ed. Cassin; English translation forthcoming December 2013 from Princeton University Press). With Paul North, he edits the Fordham University Press book series IDIOM.

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