Book Presentation Gonzalo Navajas "El paradigma de la enfermedad y la literatura del siglo XX"

 Spanish and Portuguese     Oct 23 2013 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Humanities Hall 344

El paradigma de la enfermedad y la literatura del siglo XX (The Paradigm of Disease and the Literature of the Twentieth Century) is Professor Gonzalo Navaja's latest book (published by the University of Valencia, Spain, 2013). The book examines the modern intellectual history of Spain from the perspective of collective trauma and the various therapeutic approaches proposed by key figures of the twentieth century (Unamuno, Ortega y Gasset, Azaña). Navajas establishes an interactive dialogue with them in order to articulate a new dialectics of interpretation of the painful modern history of the country leading up to the current troubled situation within the endless continental impasse. The presentation will include a reference to Gonzalo Navajas's most recent project, a fictionalized biographical account o anarchist leader, Buenaventura Durruti, in the city of Barcelona in the 1920s., which is scheduled to appear next year.

Welcome Remarks
Dean Georges Van Den Abbeele

Round Table Professor Jacobo Sefamí, Spanish and Portuguese Diego Fernández, Spanish and Portuguese Ana Palomar, Spanish and Portuguese Jared White, Spanish and Portuguese

Reception to follow the book presentation (sponsored by the Sigma Delta Pi National Spanish Honors Society).

To view images from the presentation click here.