New Student Orientation!

 Art History     Sep 24 2013 | 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM 2020 Humanities Gateway

Welcome to the Department of Art History at UC Irvine. I am so pleased you have
made the decision to join the Department of Art History at UCI!

Please plan to join the Art History faculty and staff, and meet the other new Art
History majors, on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 2:30 pm in our meeting room
at 2020 Humanities Gateway for your Art History New Student Welcome and

We will introduce you to your Art History advisers, Professors James Herbert and
Roberta Wue, and provide you with a variety of useful resources to help you settle
in to your new school. You will also meet a representative of our Art History
Undergraduate Association (AHUA), a student club organized by, and for, students
that gathers for trips to museums, social events, and lectures and offers a variety
of opportunities to gain skills and experience via community service and
enrichment activities. Professor Cecile Whiting will be on hand to inform you about
internship and grant opportunities provided by the Friends of Art History.

Please feel free to bring along any friends who may be interested in the Art History

I look forward to meeting you all next week!

With best wishes,
Bert Winther-Tamaki
Chair, Department of Art History

* Please RSVP to Cecilia Flanagan, Department of Art History Undergraduate
Coordinator at 949-824-5386 or

**Here are a few helpful links to the Department of Art History and AHUA to learn
more about the resources and opportunities that are available to you as an Art
History Major at UCI:

The Department of Art History website:

The Department of Art History Facebook page at:

The AHUA Facebook page:

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