The 2013 Wellek Lectures will feature Professor Peter Sloterdijk

 Critical Theory at UCI     May 30 2013 - Jun 3 2013 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Humanities Gateway (HG) 1030

Thursday, May 30, Friday May 31 and Monday June 3


Professor Peter Sloterdijk

Peter Sloterdijk is a German philosopher, television host, cultural analyst and essayist. He is a professor of philosophy and media theory atthe University of Art and Design Karlsruhe. Sloterdijk's many public interventions have revitalized the image of the public intellectual. In
addition to writing on key figures of the classical philosophical tradition, from Nietzsche to Heidegger, Professor Sloterdijk's work has addressed essential questions of our present condition such as globalization, neo-liberalism, the fate of the welfare state and genetics. Among his translated publications are Critique of Cynical Reason, (1998), Derrida, an Egyptian (2009), Rage and Time (2010). Between 1998 and 2004, Professor Sloterdijk published the monumental trilogy Spheres. The trilogyhas been heralded as a re-elaboration of Heidegger's Being and Time for some authors and as a completion of a philosophical view of the bio-political by others. In 2011, the first volume of the trilogy was translated into English under the title of Bubbles. The other two volumeswill soon be published.