Queer Pedagogy Symposium

 Gender and Sexuality Studies     May 29 2013 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1010

In Queer Pedagogy and Its Strange Techniques, Deborah Britzman argues for more than just a pedagogy of inclusion, calling instead for a queer pedagogy that exceed[s] such binary oppositions as the tolerant and the tolerated and the oppressed and the oppressor, yet still hold[s] onto an analysis of social difference that can account for how dynamics of subordination and subjection work at the level of the historical, the structural, the epistemological, the conceptual, the social, and the psychic."

Surely, this is a worthy, if challenging, goal to set for ones pedagogy. But a nagging response remains: how? The theory is sexy but what about the praxis? Is it pedagogically seductive as well?

This symposium brings together three scholars and pedagogues to discuss what a queer pedagogy looks like, both in theory and practice.

Featured Speakers:

Jacqueline Rhodes
Professor of English
CSU-San Bernardino

Tamara Ho,
Assistant Professor of Women's Studies

David Wallace
Dean of Liberal Studies
CSU-Long Beach

This event will be short panel presentations followed by open discussion.

Light Refreshments will be served

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