Anat Maor and Moshe Naor: "A Window for Peace? In the Wake of the Elections in Israel and the Visit of President Obama to the Middle East."

 Jewish Studies     Apr 10 2013 | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

A panel discussion with two visiting Israeli scholars. Anat Maor is a visiting professor at UCI; Moshe Naor is a visiting professor at San Diego State University.
Anat Maor will speak about the new political forces in the new Israeli government and will explore whether there a new opportunity has opened for peace through a two states solution. She will also discuss the involvement of the United States in the peace process, especially in the wake of President Obama’s recent visit to Israel.
Moshe Naor will focus on the relation between the recent elections in Israel, President Obama’s visit to the region, and the Arab spring. He will examine the manner in which the Arab Spring is perceived in Israel, against the background of the historical development of the Israeli-Arab conflict. In addition to its social impact, the Arab Spring has raised questions regarding the future of the peace agreements between Israel, on the one hand, and Egypt and Jordan, on the other. The developments also have implications for the struggle for hegemony in the Middle East and the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Anat Maor was a member of the Israeli Knesset for the Meretz Party from 1992-2003. During that time, she served as Deputy Knesset Speaker, chaired the Science and Technology Committee and the Sub-Committee for Women at Work and the Economy, and headed the Lobby for Children. She incentives and passed 41 bills. Dr. Maor has been a lecturer in contemporary Israeli politics, social andeconomic policies in Israel and women’s issues at the Open University and Ruppin Academic Center in Israel since 2003. She wrote and edited 5 books. Dr. Maor is the 2013 Schusterman Visiting Israel Professor in the Department of Political Science at UC Irvine.

Moshe Naor is the Leichtag Visiting Professor of Israel Studies at San Diego State University. He received his Ph.D. in History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Naor has taught Israeli History at the University of Toronto, Tulane University, and York University, Toronto, Canada. His research interests focus on the social, political and military history of the Jewish community in Palestine and the State of Israel. His book Social Mobilization in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948: On the Israeli Home Front is forthcoming from Routledge. Dr. Naor is the editor of State and Community (Magnes Press, 2004) and Army, Memory and National Identity (Magnes Press, 2007). His current research deals with Israeli Post-War reconstruction and state building in the early 1950s, and on the Jews from Islamic countries and Jewish-Arab relations in Mandate Palestine.