"An Emmy-Noether Project on Ancient Greek Particles: Why?"

 Classics     Mar 7 2013 | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM KH 400

Anna Bonifazi received her PhD in Ancient Greek literature and in linguistics at the University of Innsbruck in 2001, with a dissertation on deixis, song metaphors, and other poetic features of Pindaric poetry. She has been a fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies (2002-2003). and a Marie Curie fellow for 3 years, at Harvard (Classics), and at the Center for Cognitive Sciences of the University of Turin (2005-2008). After teaching Pragmatics for two semesters at the English Department of the University of Stuttgart (2008-2009), and after some work on the interface between text and performance in a Serbo-Croation poem recorded by Milman Parry, she was awarded a 5-year grant, in 2009 funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), in order to carry out a team project on the discourse of particulars in Ancient Greek literary texts. She's working on this project at the Classics department of the University of Heidelberg. She published 2 monographs, one on Pindar in 2001, and one on Homer in 2012, and number articles.